Get-to-know and information day in Egelsbach
On 10.07.22, the flight school of aviation service provider Heli Transair is holding a get-to-know-you and information day.
"Once again we open our doors to prospective trainees so that we can present our helicopters, premises, us and our training spectrum to everyone directly on site. Over coffee and sandwiches, we use presentations to explain what it takes to become a helicopter pilot* and what the subsequent career opportunities are," says training manager Jan Veen.
Everyone who is interested in becoming a helicopter pilot is invited to Egelsbach airfield on this day. In addition, they will have the opportunity to take their first flight on this day. This trial flight will be given to all participants, should they decide to train with Heli Transair, as a gift when they pass the training.
Interested people can register by phone at +49 6103 9415 0 or by e-mail at